About Me...

I’ve spent a career learning how to build brands that inspire the loyalty and passion of customers and deliver an engine for growth.

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Aha moments

My approach was shaped by three key aha moments.

First, as a young marketer in retailing, I quickly learnt that your brand is not what you say it it is, but what your customers experience. Brand-building is about shaping those experiences, rather than creating an image through advertising.

Second, as CMO for Tesco, I found that when your brand is defined by your customers experience, brand-building involves the whole company, rather than just the Marketing department. I worked to mobilize the company behind its brand purpose “every little helps”, unleashing 5 years of the highest market outperformance Tesco has ever seen.

Third, customer loyalty needs to be cultivated as both a habit and a positive choice, in order to drive growth. This was something I learnt as a pioneer of Tesco's Clubcard and a former director of Dunnhumby.

Creating Loyal Brands

From these, I’ve developed a simple, but powerful approach to building loyalty and generating growth in today’s connected world. I refined it at Tesco and now use it to help other brands.

Featured in a number of publications, and with several keynote conference speeches behind me, I have a blog, a popular Flipboard magazine, and a book, all around the central idea: Creating Loyal Brands.

Simon Uwins answering questions

Uwins Research Group

At the heart of brand-building is understanding people. So in 2017, I also co-founded a qualitative research agency, on the belief that great insights come from connecting with the real person behind the consumer.

Since the deepest insights often come from combining approaches, we utilize a variety of in-person, ethnographic, and online methods, dependent on your research objectives.


To inspire a new generation of marketers, I teach a popular class on loyalty and branding at USC Annenberg School of Communication, as part of their Masters program. I bring a CMO's perspective to the disciplines of marketing and communication, as well as a career of building brands through customer experience.  

Simon Uwins holding his young daughter's hand

Just me

An MA from Oxford University, I grew up in London, England. Based now largely in Los Angeles, with a wife and 4 children, you'll normally find Radiohead or Neil Young blaring when I’m behind the wheel...